Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Final Project

Final Project

This picture is a example of shape. This picture is film, I use filter and a exposure time of 5 seconds. The developed time was of 1:10. Stop bath time was of 30 sec and a fixer time of 2:00

this picture is a example of space, I use filters and a exposure time of 7 seconds. The developed time is 1:00 a stop bath time of 30 seconds an a fixer time of 2:00

This picture is a example of line. I use filter and a exposure time of 6 seconds. The developed time was 1:10. The stop bath time was of 30 seconds and the fixer time was of 2:00

This picture is a example of shape. I use filters and a exposure time of 5 seconds. The developed time was of 1:15 . The stop bath time was 30 seconds and a fixer time was of 2:00

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dodging and Burning

I used Photoshop for this pictures. To burn I used size 423 and 80 . Range highlights, mid tones and shades. The exposure that I used was 45%, 20%, 15%. To dodge I used the sizes: 50 and 149. Range: Highlights and mid tones. The exposure was 10% and 17%.