Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Lith Print
First I create a new layer . Then I added saturation 30 and hue 40. Then I added noise at 30%. Then I create another layer and add a vignette I did that using a Elliptical Marquee.


First I created a new layer. Then I added radiant blur and erase parts that I didn't wanted to be blur. Then I made a channel mixer and make the color that I wanted. Finally I add noise at 10% 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lighting Effects

Lighting Effects

First I made the outer glow purple and make the flames of the candles purple. Then I created a new layer and made the outer glow blue and make dots all over the picture. I also erase the stroke path by press control and click then put delete stroke path and to create a stroke path you go to the pen tool and click the second option.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Camera Tutorial

Camera Tutorial

 This Picture has an Iso of 100

This picture has an ISO of 400

This Picture has an ISO of  1600

This Picture is at 0 in the light meter

This picture is at -1 in the light meter 

 This Picture is at -2 in the light meter

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Animals Project

Animals project

Slender-Tailed Meerkat

I went to oakland zoo. My edits for this pictures: I Increase the Greens and the yellows, I cropped 5 by 7 and increase the contrast. I was trying to communicate that they are active and playful.

 I cropped 5 by 7, Increase the Greens and dark the Highlights. I Increased the exposure and the shadows. I was trying to communicate that turtles are a very relaxed animals and sometimes lazy.


For this picture I increased the Greens and yellows. I cropped 5 by 7 and blur the background. Also  I decreased the exposure and dark the Highlights. I was trying to communicate that Gibbons are active animals and they like to play.


For this picture I increased the Greens and yellows and increase the contrast. I was trying to communicate that Macaws are peaceful animals and they are always aware of what is happening in their surroundings.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How I Roll


I choose soccer for this project because its a big part of my life. I've played soccer almost all my life and I really like soccer.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

water Drop

Water Drop

I took the best 4 photos. I cropped 4 by 6. Then I Create a new layer.Then I set the guide lines "Horizontal: 5, 4.5 inches Vertical 5, 13.5 inches and put the photos in.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Texture layers
I use the picture of the water drop. First I cropped the picture 4 by 6 then I put them together in a new layer. I decrease the opacity to 68%. The I erase the parts that I thought not look good.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Frozen Motion

In this photo, The shutter speed is 1/20sec. The aperture is f/7.1 

In this picture the shutter speed is 1/60sec. The aperture is  f/7.1.

 In this picture the shutter speed is 1/250 and the aperture is f/6.0. I increase  the exposure to 3.49

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

First I create a new layer, width: 6 and height: 4. I choose a gradient that is not to distracting. Then I add the text size:150 and wrap the text style: rise. Then I add outer glow opacity: 75%. Then choose a pattern overlay opacity : 100%

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Green Flower


First I create a new layer and select the flower. Then I decrease the brightness to 68. Then I mix the colors blue, green and purple and increase the brightness to 45.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Final Project

Final Project

This picture is a example of shape. This picture is film, I use filter and a exposure time of 5 seconds. The developed time was of 1:10. Stop bath time was of 30 sec and a fixer time of 2:00

this picture is a example of space, I use filters and a exposure time of 7 seconds. The developed time is 1:00 a stop bath time of 30 seconds an a fixer time of 2:00

This picture is a example of line. I use filter and a exposure time of 6 seconds. The developed time was 1:10. The stop bath time was of 30 seconds and the fixer time was of 2:00

This picture is a example of shape. I use filters and a exposure time of 5 seconds. The developed time was of 1:15 . The stop bath time was 30 seconds and a fixer time was of 2:00

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dodging and Burning

I used Photoshop for this pictures. To burn I used size 423 and 80 . Range highlights, mid tones and shades. The exposure that I used was 45%, 20%, 15%. To dodge I used the sizes: 50 and 149. Range: Highlights and mid tones. The exposure was 10% and 17%.